


Danae Bezantakou attended this year’s ACEO Leadership Conference, as a speaker, a truly remarkable event that has been the epitome of success for 34 consecutive years. Mr. Vassilis Rabbat, Chairman of the Board and CEO of XEROX HELLAS, summed it up perfectly, stating, “We breathed new life into this year’s ACEO Leadership Conference.” The conference theme, “Plasticity,” as explained by Mr. John Anastasopoulos, Advisor to the Board of ACEO, emphasized the crucial flexibility and adaptability that leaders need in today’s uncertain era.

We are thrilled to share that Antenna Group, one of Greece’s biggest and most important TV channels, served as the media partner for the 34th ACEO Leadership Conference. Their involvement played a significant role in the conference’s success and wide-reaching impact.
CEO and coordinator the 34th Leadership Conference of ACEO.

The primary purpose of ACEO is to continuously elevate the level of top management and harness the knowledge and experience of its members for the benefit of the Greek economy. Through its initiatives, ACEO aims to create added value for its members by fostering knowledge sharing, promoting best practices, and providing exceptional networking opportunities.

Moreover, ACEO actively advocates for sound business mindsets, encourages innovative initiatives, and supports contributions to society at large, all with the overarching goal of enhancing both the economy and society as a whole.

In Navigator Shipping Consultants we are proud that our CEO networked with influential personalities and industry leaders at this prestigious conference. The connections made and insights gained will undoubtedly contribute to our continued success in serving our trusted members.

In the above photo you may see:
Alastair Levy, experienced advisor and thought-leader specializing in geopolitics and risk, provided an overview of the current business environment. He highlighted the impact of inflationary trends, geopolitical shifts, climate change and technological growth, emphasizing the need for leaders to develop skills that enable businesses to navigate increased risk.
Petros Tzannetakis, CEO, Motor Oil Group of Companies,
Konstantinos Mavros, CEO, PPC Renewables and
Danae Bezantakou, CEO, Navigator Shipping Consultants and Concept Founder, YES Forum.
The aforementioned explored the concept of risk within the context of their respective industries, discussing their actions, values and reflexes when facing uncertainty. They also stressed out the significance of human capital as a response to these challenges. The conversation was skillfully moderated by Haridimos Tsoukas, professor at Cyprus and Warwick universities