
Dimitris Sousoudis

Dimitris Sousoudis, KPLER, Global Sales Manager

Experienced Sales Leader with a Passion for Maritime Innovation.
I embarked on a journey in sales over a decade ago, specializing in credit risk control and online advertising industries. Armed with a degree in applied mathematics from the University of Crete, I’ve honed my skills to excel in dynamic environments.
Started as an Advertising Manager at MarineTraffic, I transitioned to lead Shipping Solutions Sales, playing a pivotal role in the company’s growth and success. I furthered my industry acumen through shipping certifications, conferences and more.
My daily mission involves ushering the maritime sector into the digital age by helping ship managers embrace technology for enhanced efficiency. Post-MarineTraffic’s acquisition by Kpler, I continue to manage a global sales team, in shipping solutions, ensuring seamless service delivery to ship owners and managers worldwide.
Beyond my professional pursuits, I find serenity in sailing and creative expression through music.